Press Note, April 17, 2023

Ajuba, a leading technology services and solutions provider, has launched a new cybersecurity program for schools in India in partnership with ThriveDX from Israel. The program, called SKILL (Scientific Knowledge for International Learning and Leadership), aims to educate children about online safety and cybersecurity.
According to a study by McAfee Corp, Indian children have the highest online risk exposure and are among the youngest to reach mobile maturity, with smartphone use at the age of 10 to 14 at 83 percent. This leads to high exposure to online risks, including cyberbullying, which 22 percent of Indian children have experienced, higher than the global average of 17 percent.
In response to this growing problem, Ajuba is partnering with ThriveDX to offer unique programs to schools in India to educate children about cybercrime and how to stay safe online. Mr. Baljit Singh, CEO of Ajuba and Chairman of Roar 4 Change, said, “It is important that we make our children knowledgeable on the type of cybercrime happening and how to avoid getting trapped in this.”
The SKILL program will provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to protect themselves from cybercrime, including online bullying, sexual exploitation, cyberstalking, and identity theft. It will also help parents and guardians to monitor their children’s online activities and keep them safe.
Ajuba and ThriveDX are committed to promoting online safety and cybersecurity in India and are excited to offer this program to schools across the country. We urge all schools to take advantage of this program and help us make India a safer place for children online.
For more information about the SKILL program and how to implement it in your school, please click below and provide details about your school.
For further information, please contact
Mr. Baljit Singh
Email: [email protected]
About Ajuba:
Ajuba, a boutique consulting company that specializes in developing innovative journey by providing strategy, business development, investments, and sales & marketing services. With its offices in Dallas, Texas, USA and Belapur Navi Mumbai, India the company has been supporting companies in India, Israel and North America (IIN Regions). The services ranges from seeking capital for the start-ups to technology partnership for corporates. The company opens valuable doors, using its extensive network of contacts in India, Israel and USA & Canada to establish channel partnership and joint ventures. We reduce the time to market for products and services with our strategy, business development and investment services.
About ThriveDX:
ThriveDX is the global leader in cybersecurity education, and an expert in providing cybersecurity training to upskill and reskill lifelong learners. Our teams are made up of military trained cyber experts, industry veterans and seasoned educators united to close the worldwide skills and talent gap in cybersecurity. ThriveDX’s award-winning solutions exist to bridge the skills gap and impact the talent shortage in the cybersecurity and overall tech industry. The Education sector partners with top-tier academic institutions, enterprises, and government branches globally to offer advanced, professional development programs in cybersecurity and digital technology. The Enterprise branch (formulated by companies formerly known as Cybint Solutions, Kontra Application Security, Lucy Security, ThriveDX Labs, and HackerU Pro), is a suite of products and services that cater to non-technical employees, developers, IT professionals and anyone in between. For more information, visit