On the 10th of May, over 200 students and faculty members from the Electronics & Communication and Computer Engineering departments gathered at Rayat-Bahra University for a special lecture that I conducted. The lecture aimed to inspire and guide participants in identifying their talents and skills to achieve their goals more effectively. Based on my book titled “My Experiments with Innovation,” the session was conducted where I engage the audience through videos and interactive discussions.
The lecture captivated the audience’s attention from start to finish. Students and faculty members remained fully engaged throughout the hour and a half-long session. By incorporating multimedia elements and fostering interaction with the audience, I always ensure that there is an immersive learning experience. The level of engagement was further evident from the numerous questions raised by participants after the session.
A Heartwarming Testimonial:
A student, particularly touched by the lecture, sent an email expressing their gratitude this morning.
“I attended your special lecture at Rayat Bahra University on the 10th May and may I just say I really enjoyed it! It was so inspiring. I usually skip these special lectures at school because it feels like they don’t really apply to me and half the time, I never even understand what is being said but yours, oh it was brilliant!”
Email from one of the student of Rayat-Bahra University.

Expanding Opportunities:
During the workshop, an exciting announcement was made regarding the launch of the One-Year Post Graduate Diploma programs for Cybersecurity and Semiconductor at Rayat-Bahra University. Ajuba together with Rayat-Bahra will be offering one year PG-Diploma program. The one-year duration comprises nine months of technical, soft, and hard skills training on the Rayat-Bahra campus, followed by advanced practical learning opportunities in the United States.
The workshop at Rayat-Bahra University proved to be a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on the students and faculty members who attended. The lecture on identifying talents and skills resonated deeply with the audience, sparking their enthusiasm for personal growth and innovation. The email from a grateful student served as a powerful reminder of the positive influence speakers can have on individuals’ lives.
Additionally, the launch of the One-Year Post Graduate Diploma programs in Cybersecurity and Semiconductor further solidifies Rayat-Bahra University’s commitment to providing students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in these rapidly evolving fields.
To learn more about the exciting PG Diploma programs being offered at Rayat-Bahra University, click on the link below:

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